Wednesday, April 21, 2010

you , read this

like i told you before ,
you dye pnye , so i takan ambil hak org .
i fhm perasaan org when someone dat dye really2 love curang kt dye
so i tanak dye rase what i rase b4 .
dlu mmg u i punye but now u dye punye
so pgla kat dye .
make a new life , onlu u and her . not me
i tanak jd org ke3 or wtv -___-'
i takan ggu u .
u said that u really love me , but you still with her? why ?
sbb u syg dye more than i kan ? ngaku je lah .
i tanak hal ni brpnjgn .
coz akan "ganggu konsentrasi i .
so leave me alone -___-'
duhhh ~
goodbye ~

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